The passing of Ocatvio Paz/ Transito de Octavio Paz (1914-1998) is a moving elegy to Mexico´s greates poet and philosopher. Adolfo Castañon’s tribute seeks to remind us of the enduring strength of Paz´s universal visión. It does with inimitable poetic beauty.
“Thanks to his creatve fevor and devotion to literatura, dolfo Castañón has reached his prime as a writer. As Aurelio Asiain has stated: ´Perhaps there isn´t a writer more purely and naturally a writer than this writer, perhaps there isn´t a more literary person at heart tan this person. For this reason, and because Castañón, unlike many of his peers, has reconciled himself with writing, the reder will appreciate the manner in which he combines rogor and density of ideas with naturalwriting ease… Here is poetry at once inteligent and austere, open to diverse levels and frms of expresion, poetry made of ountempoints and sudden flashes of light. In The Passing of Octavio Paz (194-1998), a funeral poem in the manner of W. H. Auden´s In Memory of W. B. Yeats.´Adolfo Castañón turns nature and also literatura into active prticipants of the poet´s death, as if a prophetic voice lit by the sacred were speaking through history and transcending it.”